
Cachaca Nha Dita

Aged Cachaca

(Crafted in Small Batches)

Welcome to

Cachacaria Nha Dita

Aged Cachaca

Our Unique Features

Nhá Dita Cachaça: Crafted with Quality, Sustainability, and Tradition

Quality You Can Trust:

Unveiling a Unique Flavor:

Aged with History:


Nha Dita cachacas are unique compared to all the other cachacas you've ever tasted.

You will definitely fall in love with them!

Special Bottles

Regular Bottles

Gifts & Accessories

Our History

Santo Antônio Farm - Tradition & History 

Located in the rural neighborhood of Roseira in Mogi Guaçu - SP, the notable deep-rooted house is located on 12 acres and is the essential piece of the property and it is a true historical treasure. It was the headquarters of an old coffee plantation, which was built in the late 19th century, around 1870, with an architecture that harkens back to a fascinating period in the history of coffee in Brazil.

Over the years, the property have been divided among heirs and also faced several economic crises that Brazil went through. Abandoned for years, it was finally acquired by the current owners in 2017. They set out to rescue the history and importance of this iconic property, initiating the process of refurbishing the headquarters and revitalizing the property.

With much effort and dedication, the owners transformed the location into a cachaca aging cellar, which uses traditional production techniques combined with the use of modern technology, resulting in an exceptionally high-quality drink. The cachaca aging is done in carefully selected barrels, which give the beverage an unique and pleasurement flavors.

Cachaca Nha Dita - Facts & History 


Step into our cellar and discover the perfect environment for aging the finest cachaca.

Our handcrafted cachacas are aged in the ideal environment of a stone basement walls, that have been with us since the foundation of our old house ( in the late 19th century, around 1870), which maintains a stable and perfect climate for the aging process.

Combining this ideal setting with the finest barrels in the world results of the best aged cachacas creation, with striking flavors that are sure to excite your taste.

The Logo History

The story behind the logo of Cachaca Nha Dita is a truly unique one. It was born from a dream of the owner, who duringa real drean, visioned his great-great-grandmother's picture on the label in this specific format and color. The majic is, that picture on the label is an actual photo of his ancestor holding the current owner, when he was just just a little boy.

What makes this logo even more special is that it was created to mirror the exact image that the owner dreamed of, making it a true representation of his vision. 

This attention to detail and personal touch adds to the character and authenticity of Cachaca Nha Dita, making it more than just a drink but a tribute to the owner's family history and traditions.

Nhá Dita

Benedita Mendes da Silva was born on 03/Sep/1892 and throughout during her 88 years of life, she was a woman who embodied kindness, devotion, and love towards her family. Such qualities earned her the affectionate nickname "Nha Dita" from her great-grandson.

The cachaca that bears her name is a testament to her character, reflecting the same care and dedication that she showed towards her loved ones. Crafted with the utmost attention to detail, the spirit captures the essence of Nhá Dita's life, her values, and her legacy.

Every bottle of Nha Dita cachaca is a tribute to her remarkable life and a celebration of the enduring spirit of a woman who lived her life with grace and generosity.


Drone view of Santo Antonio Farm

Renovation summary of the farm house. A truly representative from the end of the 19th century, based on a Brazilian coffee farm

Santo Antonio farm - External area expansion summary

Darts Championship   2022 season in Cachacaria Nhá Dita.

A YouTube program from Prosa na Roseira 1 Canal , by Thiago Paccola and Lucas Chagas

A YouTube program from Prosa na Roseira 2 Canal , by Thiago Paccola and Lucas Chagas